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Meet the casino industrys

ferocious new competitor:


the couch.

It’s closer to home, offers limitless entertainment, and I’m already on it. 

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It's my couch.  And it’s the biggest thing keeping me from visiting your casino.  Especially now, in the throes of the worst pandemic in more than a century. 

Meanwhile, inertia is my new best friend.  That’s the law that says my well-rested body is going to stay at rest, until acted upon by some kind of force.  So unless you’re counting on an earthquake to separate me from my new favorite venue, you may want to start talking.  And do it in a way that I can relate to.  Show me that I’m not alone in being alone; that there are plenty of others with the same reservations who have actually achieved extraction.  Appeal to my sense of humor so I don’t feel judged or denigrated.  After all, if I’m being honest, my self-esteem isn’t what it used to be.  

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Maybe it should go something like this turn-key, fully licensable campaign from Hanna Dot Agency, a leading expert in casino marketing and advertising: 

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Norm Baker: Reluctant Couch Potato is a smart, timely, ready-made television campaign designed to help your customers enter the “new normal,” once and for all.  Conceived and created by Hanna Dot Agency in partnership with Comrade Studios, it is, quite literally, the perfect message for this incredibly imperfect moment in time.  A targeted invitation to that large wedge of customers who remain wary of stepping out. 

Our award-winning team of casino marketing pros developed Norm Baker to be flexible and customizable, including ready-made placeholders for your property-specific imagery and messaging content.  Conceived and created to address an unprecedented moment in time, this unique campaign is your property’s best chance to emerge from recent economic turmoil looking better, stronger and more relatable than ever. 

And right now, you can do all that at a 75% savings versus comparable campaigns conceived, written and produced from scratch. Our top-tier editing team will incorporate your existing property footage, photography assets and logo treatment. We’ll also record custom announcer reads to meet your specific messaging needs.

If you’d like assistance with media planning and placement services, we can help there too. Our experienced media specialists can develop a targeted plan tailored to reach the top customer demos in your area. From broadcast TV to cable to digital and social media vehicles, we can ensure that your timely new campaign gets in front of the right people, right away. And we offer this service in exchange for standard media commissions, meaning no cost to you.

Make no mistake: the rules have changed.  Customers are more concerned than ever about where and how they spend precious discretionary dollars.  Winning properties will be the ones that move beyond canned solutions of the past and embrace the new normal with fresh, original content. 

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One casino property in your region will claim exclusive rights to put Norm Baker to work for their brand.  Don’t let it be your competitor!

✓ Custom-branded 3-spot campaign

✓ Leading CASINO marketing support team

✓ Exclusive usage rights in your region

✓ Unbelievable savings versus development cost

✓ Media planning and placement upon request

For more information including our special low fixed price, â€‹fill out the short form below or call Rebecca Reeves at 208-667-2428, ext. 118, today.  Ask about our FREE 1-hour casino marketing consultation, available regardless of purchase. Schedule your time slot today as availability is limited!

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1090 E Lakeshore Drive

Coeur d'Alene, ID  83814



121 S. Wall Street

Spokane,  WA  99201


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